Connecting Ambition with Opportunity


Over many years we’ve learned how easy it is to start a financial offering and even to get a “Letter of Intent” for a deal, but going beyond an “LOI” and getting a transaction closed is a daunting task, one requiring significant expertise to guide all the interested parties to the closing table. This has to be done well (in a timely way) because the consequences are material – success means jobs are created, millions or billions of dollars of value is unlocked and lives are changed. But there’s a thousand ways to fail in getting a deal done, and failure can permanently alter the direction of an enterprise.

To this day, most advisory firms follow the same playbook – one which was created in the 1970’s. Common practice is to quickly write a template deal book, distribute the offering as widely as possible, and hope it leads to a number of interested parties. In the best case, this kind of cattle-call is a huge drain to management resources and a deal rarely gets done, unless heavy discounts are involved. The numbers show that less than 30% of these processes are successful in creating a deal.

Our firm, launched in 2010, was founded on a highly-evolved playbook. Using our Velocity framework, we run a clean, focused process to real buyers, and avoid shopping a deal to a broad market. This confidential process typically yields a group of highly curated targets. The result is a closed transaction rate in excess of 80%.

M&A Advisory

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to restructure, the specialized nature of our process ensures positive outcomes with minimal disruption and market awareness. Typically, our sell-side mandates are completed with fewer than ten prospective parties receiving any signal that the asset is available. 

On the buy-side, we are able to direct the conversation with prospective targets to ensure that all parties are aligned while tapping our capital markets advisory team to ensure capital availability.

Equity Capital Markets

Our equity capital markets practice is focused on working with growth businesses (non-startup), which generally have revenues in excess of $10 million and cash flow greater than $2 million. 

Most commonly, we are hired to support founder-controlled businesses in their first institutional capital raise, management teams within large enterprises who are seeking to acquire their operating division, and companies restructuring their capital stack.

Debt Capital Markets

The overabundance of capital has led to historically low capital costs and more competition amongst lenders. We maintain an extensive network with lenders of various segments of the credit stack, from senior, unitranche, mezzanine, and special situations.

Retail Capital Raising

We harness the power of a strong base of accredited retail investors to invest alongside deals with institutional partners.

Partnering with RIAs

We partner with some of the largest and fastest-growing RIAs nationwide to bring unique alternative investments to their clients.